Saturday, June 15, 2013

Brie and Apple Grilled Cheese

     There are no words that could accurately describe how excited I am about this sandwich. It's the best thing I've tasted in a while and hands down the best grilled cheese ever. When some people see the word 'brie', they tend to shy away because it seems too fancy or just unfamiliar. But let's remember that great things can happen when you break out of your comfort zone.  Now, I'm not a cheese connoisseur, but I think brie is my favorite. The middle is unbelievably creamy. Unfortunately, I think the rind tastes a bit like a moldy basement, but it's easy enough to cut off. Some people like it though, so you be the judge. Paired with some tangy green apples on a toasted baguette, the mixture of flavors and textures is perfect. To top it all off, drizzle some homemade caramel sauce on top. I know, you're a little skeptical now, but yet again, you're just going to have to trust me. The savory saltiness of the cheese and crunch of the bread are a contrast and a compliment to the tanginess of the apple and sweetness of the caramel. That's why it's so perfectly satisfying. It's a little bit of everything and not too much of anything. So take a risk, and in ten minutes or less, you can be enjoying what has quickly become my favorite sandwich.

Note: The quantities of the ingredients in the list are just an estimation to make 2 mini sandwiches, which is enough for one person. Obviously, you know how much stuff belongs on a sandwich, so there's no real need to measure anything, except the caramel ingredients.

4 slices of a baguette, cut diagonally
extra butter for the bread
1/2 Granny Smith apple
about 6 narrow, rectangular slices of brie
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon butter

1. Slice the bread, and butter the outside-facing side of each piece.
2. Slice the apple as thinly as possible.
3. Cut short slices off the side of the hunk of brie. I recommend slicing off the white rind on all sides first, but apparently it is edible.
4. For each sandwich, put about 3 slices of cheese on the un-buttered side first and then 2 or 3 apple slices on top.
4. Now you have to decide how you're going to cook them. I used a panini press, and I definitely recommend that or any kind of George Foreman-type grill. If you don't have something like that, just melt some butter in a frying pan and cook it that way. If you fry it, you will have to smash each sandwich down a little, and be careful to do so without burning it. That's why I like the panini press, it does the smashing for you.

5.     Now for the caramel: Caramel sauce is essentially just a mixture of butter and brown sugar, and sometimes some other things. My favorite way to make it is boiling it on the stove, and if you're doubling or tripling this recipe for more people, that's how I would do it. However much caramel you make, just be sure to get a 2:1 ratio of brown sugar to butter. If you cook it on the stove, heat it on medium-low and stir it constantly until everything melts and gets very bubbly. Let it bubble for a minute or two, but not too long.
     If you're making just enough for yourself, I would just take a shortcut and make the caramel in the microwave. Just put a tablespoon of butter and 2 of brown sugar in a small bowl. Microwave for 1 minute, then stir, then microwave for another 30 seconds. This way the sugar won't melt completely, so it won't get bubbly, but it works.

     Whatever you do, please do not use any type of store-bought caramel sauce. Since I've just given you the secrets to making it yourself, there's really no excuse for that, EVER.
6. When the sandwiches are done, plate them with a drizzle of caramel over the top and prepare yourself for this wonderful culinary experience.
I'm very tempted right now to flat-out beg you to try this. I know it sounds like a weird combination, but it really is perfect in every way. It's a great example of why I love food, because the endless possibilities can can surprise you. So please try it, and come back tomorrow for another apple-themed treat!

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