Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Turmeric and Ginger Spiced Pork Chops

       I feel like I've posted so many pork chop recipes, that people are going to get tired of them, but then I realized that I've actually only posted 2. It's not that I love pork chops or anything, but thats what my family buys, so I'm all about working with what I've got. For today's spin on them, I experimented with a middle eastern flavor profile, one that I'm only now beginning to discover. This spice rub gives the chops a really warm flavor and beautiful golden color. As an added bonus it'll make your whole house smell wonderful while you're cooking. Served with rice and a vegetable of your choice, this meal is like an exotic culinary vacation.

6 thin boneless pork chops
2 teaspoons brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon fresh turmeric
pinch of salt
olive oil for the pan

1. Mix all the spices together in a small bowl. I used fresh grated turmeric, which looks a small, ugly root that's darker than ginger and orange in the middle. If you can find that, just peel it with a potato peeler and grate it in. Come to think of it, you could probably use fresh ginger too, but remember that fresh ginger is less potent.

2. Rub a little bit of this mixture into both sides of each pork chop. Try to use it all.
3. Heat a little olive oil in a pan and cook them on medium heat for 5 minutes per side.

Be adventurous with flavor! And come back tomorrow for another one of my very favorite things...possibly my all-time favorite!

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