Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Healthiest Chocolate Shake Ever

     For my third smoothie creation of the week, I give you the chocolate un-milkshake. It's a refreshing summer treat that's actually about 80% good for you. There will be some taste-testing required here because it's up to you how sweet or chocolaty you want it to be. This recipe makes about 12 ounces. On a side note, next week, we're finally getting the oven fixed, so hopefully I'll have some more actual meals to post soon!

3/4 cup almond milk (Either use unsweetened and add sugar to taste at the end, or use sweetened and add less sugar later.)
2/3 cup crushed ice
1/2 banana
1-1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa powder
a spoonful of extra Zucker if you really need it

1. Blend everything.

2. Drink it out of an actual glass. It really adds to the experience.

Tomorrow, I promise I'll have something more exciting, but in the meantime, this is pretty yummy!

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